Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Great Flood Gilgamesh vs. The Hebrew Scriptures Essays

The Great Flood Gilgamesh vs. The Hebrew Scriptures Essays The Great Flood Gilgamesh vs. The Hebrew Scriptures Essay The Great Flood Gilgamesh vs. The Hebrew Scriptures Essay Essay Topic: The Epic of Gilgamesh The Year Of the Flood Upon reading The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Old Testament: Hebrew Views on God and History we find embedded into each of the texts a story of the great flood.In analyzing the two pieces we see that the stories are very similar.This is very interesting since they were written within several hundred years of each other.The similarities and the differences within the stories shed light on what types of belief systems the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations had as well as giving us an idea of what might have been important to the people. As we look at the two texts, the storyline of both texts is based on the same historically significant event.In each of these stories these aspects are the same.Thefirst is that each man in the stories was contacted by his God/Gods and told that they were angry at mankind.Because of their anger the gods decided that they were going to send a flood to destroy them. These gods, taking pity upon specific men, gave Utnapishtim and Noah instructions to build large boats in which they were to save their families and a male and female of every thing living.Each man obeyed the words of his god, built the boat, covered it in pitch to protect it from the water, filled it with the supplies, and an instance of every living thing. The story goes onto give an account of a terrible storm with torrential rain; which created such a flood that man, plant, and animal kind were destroyed.When the rains had stopped and the sun returned, both boats settled on an underwater mountain top.Utnapishtim and Noah both sent out a series of three birds to help them to know when the waters had receded enough for them to leave the boat.Upon leaving the boat both men offered sacrifices to his god for allowing them to survive.As a reward for their obedience both men were blessed. Although the stories are very similar there are many differences within the story which set each group of peoples apa

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How To Guess if a Spanish Noun Is Masculine or Feminine

How To Guess if a Spanish Noun Is Masculine or Feminine Although it is seldom possible to predict with certainty whether a given Spanish noun is of masculine or feminine gender, Spanish has numerous guidelines that can usually be followed. Key Takeaways: Spanish Noun Gender Nouns ending in -a, -cià ³n, -à ­a, or -dad are usually feminine.Nouns ending in -o, an accented vowel, -or, or -aje are usually masculine.Names of rivers, lakes, and oceans are usually masculine; names of mountains are usually feminine. The most well-known rule or guideline is that nouns ending in -o are masculine and those ending in -a are feminine, but there are numerous exceptions to this gender rule, especially for those ending in -a. Some of the exceptions are listed below. Following are some other guides to gender determination. Note that many words have definitions in addition to those listed: Feminine Suffixes Nouns ending in certain suffixes are usually feminine. They include -cià ³n (usually the equivalent of -tion), -sià ³n, -à ­a (usually the equivalent of -y, although not in the diminutive sense), -za, -dad (often used like -ty), and -itis (-itis). la nacià ³n (nation)la intervencià ³n (intervention)la hospitalizacià ³n (hospitalization)la ocasià ³n (occasion)la tensià ³n (tension)la economà ­a (economy)la taxonomà ­a (taxonomy)la probreza (poverty)la felicidad (happiness)la caridad (charity)la mastitis (mastitis)la meningitis (meningitis) Masculine Endings Nouns of Greek origin ending in -a, often -ma, are nearly always masculine. Most of these words have English cognates. el problema (problem)el drama (drama)el poema (poem)el tema (subject) Nouns ending in an accented vowel are usually masculine. el sof (sofa)el tabà º (taboo)el rubà ­ (ruby) Nouns with certain other endings are usually masculine. These include -aje (usually the equivalent of -age), -ambre, and -or. An exception is la flor (flower). el coraje (courage)el mensaje (message)el espionaje (espionage)el hambre (hunger)el calambre (cramp)el calor (heat)el dolor (pain)el interior (interior) Masculine Infinitives Infinitives used as nouns are masculine. el fumar (smoking)el cantar (singing)el viajar (traveling) Months and Days Months and days of the week are masculine. el enero (January)el septiembre (September)el martes (Tuesday)el jueves (Thursday) Letters and Numbers Letters are feminine while numbers are masculine. One way to remember this is that letra is feminine while nà ºmero is masculine. la d (d)la o (o)el siete (seven)el ciento (100) Abbreviations and Shortened Words The gender of abbreviations and acronyms typically matches the gender of the main noun of what the shortened version stands for. la ONU (the O stands for Organizacià ³n, which is feminine)los EE.UU. (United States; estados (states) is masculine)las FF.AA. (armed forces; fuerzas is feminine)la NASA (NASA; the word for agency, agencia, is feminine)el FBI (FBI; burà ³, the word for bureau, is masculine) Words that are a shorter form of another word or of a phrase retain the gender of the longer word or of the main noun in the phrase. la moto (motorcycle; the word is a shortened form of la motocicleta)la disco (disco; the word is a shortened form of la discoteca)la foto (photo; the word is a shortened form of la fotografà ­a)la bici (bicycle; the word is a shortened form of la bicicleta)un Toyota (a Toyota. The masculine may be used here as a short form of un coche Toyota, as coche, the word for car, is masculine. However, una Toyota may refer to a Toyota pickup truck, because the common word for pickup is the feminine camioneta.)la Alcatraz (the word for prison, prisià ³n, is feminine) Compound and Two-Word Nouns Compound nouns formed by following a verb with a noun are masculine. el rascacielos (skyscraper)el dragaminas (minesweeper)el guardarropa (clothes closet)el tragamondedas (slot or vending machine) Two-word nouns, which are unusual in Spanish, carry the gender of the first noun. el kilowatt hora (kilowatt-hour)el sitio web (website)el aà ±o luz (light-year)la mujer objeto (sex object)la noticia bomba (bombshell news story) Chemical Elements With the exception of la plata (silver), names of the chemical elements are masculine. el flà ºor (fluorine)el cinc (zinc)el hidrà ³geno (hydrogen) Geographical Names Names of rivers, lakes and oceans are masculine because el rà ­o, el lago and el ocà ©ano, respectively, are masculine. el Danubio (the Danube)el Amazonas (the Amazon)el Titicaca (Titicaca)el Atlntico (the Atlantic) Names of mountains are usually masculine, because el monte (mountain) is masculine. An exception is that the Rockies are usually referred to as las Rocosas or las Montaà ±as Rocosas. los Himalayas (the Himalayas)el Cervino (the Matterhorn)los Andes (the Andes) Names of islands are usually feminine because la isla (island) is feminine. las Canarias (Canary Islands)las Azores (Azores)las Antillas (West Indies) Company Names Names of companies usually are feminine, because la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a (company) is feminine, as are sociedad anà ³nima (corporation), corporacià ³n (corporation), and empresa (business). This rule is not consistently followed, however, and some well-known companies (such as Google) are referred to as either masculine or feminine. la Microsoft (Microsoft)la ExxonMobil (ExxonMobil)la Nestlà © (Nestlà ©) Imported Words The default gender for foreign words adopted into the language is masculine, but a feminine gender is sometimes acquired if theres a reason for doing so. Thus foreign nouns that end in -a sometimes become feminine, as do some words related in meaning to a Spanish feminine word. el marketing (marketing)la web (the Web or World Wide Web; the feminine is usually used because the Spanish words red and teleraà ±a, words for web and network, respectively, are feminine)el internet, la internet (both genders are used)los jeans (jeans)el rock (rock music)el software (software)el show (show)el champà º (shampoo)el bistec (beefsteak)la pizza (pizza)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Project Risk Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Project Risk Profile - Essay Example This essay stresses that the protocol produces meaningful project profiles using a consistent approach and fully quantifying concepts which might be considered non-quantifiable. Importantly, this protocol allows for the assessment of risks and strategic factors which are important for good decision-making. The PRP and SI are somewhat subjective calculations, and the FAP protocol forces management and appraisal teams to consider reasonable values for important, subjective judgments. This paper makes a conclusion that management will reject projects outright if the risks are too great or if the projects do not fit with the company’s overall strategic vision, but using the FAP protocol allows for a full understanding of financial and strategic potentials. Aspects of projects such as deferment, growth or abandonment are important considerations, and the FAP protocol structure allows evaluation teams to include those aspects in the evaluations. Since several sub-models play into the overall structure of the FAP model, evaluators are afforded flexibility. No project is rejected based on a single aspect of consideration, nor are projects accepted which may produce undesirable results because strategy and risk were not accounted for during assessment. The FAP model produces a dynamic and pragmatic approach to capital project evaluations and allows the management and appraisal teams to introduce their judgments into the model in a straightforward and structured w ay.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Abnormalities of Schizophrenia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Abnormalities of Schizophrenia - Research Paper Example Statistical estimates of the genetic epidemiology of schizophrenia confirm that a high degree of heritability factor is fundamental to the psychological disorder of schizophrenia. A review of the scholarly literature on the question of schizophrenia in relation to heritability also supports the claim that heritability is a crucial factor in schizophrenia. However, it is essential to realize that the estimates of heritability show a high level of discrepancy as a result of the complexity in taking apart the effects of genetics and the environment on schizophrenia. Therefore, an investigation into the psychological disorder of schizophrenia as having a high degree of heritability is an essential contribution to the study of genetics and neurobiology. Although schizophrenia has been the most studied of all psychiatric disorders in relation to heritability, this research focuses on the abnormalities of the neuroanatomical pathways and neurophysiological function believed to cause schizop hrenia and this study undertakes a reflective analysis of the available scholarly literature on the topic. An Annotated Bibliography Costello, Charles G. (Ed). (1993). Symptoms of Schizophrenia. New York: John Wiley and Sons. One of the most resources on the study of the abnormalities of the neuroanatomical pathways and neurophysiological function of schizophrenia... This significant writing brings about the link between basic science and clinical insights through the exploration of schizophrenia research and it makes a vital contribution to the understanding of various abnormalities of Schizophrenia in connection with heritability. Significantly, â€Å"this new book brings together many of the most productive and admired investigators in those areas of research, individuals who have contributed most to contemporary developmental models of schizophrenia. Each of the chapters provides a state-of-the-art overview of the authors’ area of expertise, including directions for future.† (Keshavan, Kennedy, and Murray, 2004, p. xvii). Therefore, this book is an essential resource for investigation on abnormalities of schizophrenia and the role of heritability. Turetsky, Bruce I., Moberg, Paul J., Mozley, Lyn Harper., Moelter, Stephen T., and Agrin, Rachel N. (2002 ). â€Å"Memory-Delineated Subtypes of Schizophrenia: Relationship to Clinica l, Neuroanatomical, and Neurophysiological Measures.† American Psychological Association, Inc. Neuropsychology. 16, (4). pp. 481–490. In this article, Turetsky, Moberg, Mozley, Moelter, and Agrin (2002) examine memory performance in patients with schizophrenia in order to identify subgroups conforming to cortical and sub-cortical dementias and to determine whether these subgroups differed on clinical, neuroanatomical, and neurophysiological measures. It is one of the essential articles on neuroanatomical pathways and neurophysiological function of schizophrenia. In this study, â€Å"the authors conclude that categorizing patients on the basis of memory deficits may yield

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Dramatic techniques Essay Example for Free

Dramatic techniques Essay In act four Proctor has to make the decision whether he should or should not confess. Arthur Miller uses dramatic techniques such as the use of descriptive stage directions. These tell you of the feelings emotions and actions of the characters such as in the opening of the act were Miller sets the scene by saying The place is in darkness but for the moonlight seeping through the bars. Arthur miller also describes sounds such as the sound of footsteps the shouting and the drums used to add drama and tension to the act. Hale has considerably changed from when we first saw him, as now he is no longer self-assured or confident like when he was first introduced. The audience sees a change in which Hale is presented as a different character to the beginning of the play, Hale is now described as being guilty and he is noticed to be different by the other characters They look at him for an instant in silence. He is steeped in sorrow, exhausted, and more direct then he ever was as opposed to his first description of a Tight skinned intellectual. Hale decides to try to convince Elizabeth to help them as they think that she is the only one who can convince proctor to confess, and as Proctor is a respected man within the village they hope that the other accused will also confess. Hale knows that neither he nor Parris could convince Proctor to confess so Elizabeth is there only hope of persuading Proctor before dawn.  When hale pleads with Elizabeth to talk to Proctor to persuade him to confess she is silent and will not speak to hale, but Hale then tells her Proctor will die at dawn, which makes Elizabeth ask if she can speak with proctor. Elizabeth dose not promise to convince proctor to confess however she pleads with Danforth to allow her to speak with Proctor as she knows that he will die at dawn and she wants to see him one last time before he is hung. Proctors appearance is now a visual shock as he is a contrast to when he was first introduced, as he is now a shadow of his former self. When we were first introduced to Proctor he is described as powerful of body and not easily led which is the opposite of how he is described now. Proctor is now described as being another man, bearded, filthy, his eyes misty as though webs had overgrown them. This shows the audience he is no longer the once proud Proctor who was gained the respect of people as he entered the room. Proctor is pressured to confess as he loves Elizabeth and dose not want to leave her as now she has a child on the way and when Proctor questioned her on what he should do she told him I wan you living John, thats sure. Elizabeth also tells him that a hundred or more have confessed. However Proctor is also pressured not to confess as people which he knows have not confessed such as Giles. Elizabeth tell Proctor that Giles stood mute and did not answer his indictment so that he would be pressed and die a Christian death, she also tell him that Giles said only two words More weight. This adds conflict to proctors decision as Giles was an old man and yet he died for his beliefs so that his sons would get his farm. Proctor is also told that Rebecca nurse has still not confessed. Proctors body language towards Elizabeth is different to how he used to address her. Proctor now shows himself to be guilty and dose not know what to do with great force of will but not quite looking at her this show the audience that Proctor dose want to talk to her but his guilt is holding him back. In this section of act four Proctor is shown to be in turmoil as he is not sure whether or not Elizabeth dose want him back or not and whether or not she loves him still pauses- then with a flailing of hope. Emotive language is used in the stage directions to suggest that Proctors decision to confess or not is emotional words such as pain and agony show how Proctor feels although he is not physically in pain he is emotionally torn between his the decision he must now make. Proctor realises that Elizabeth still cares for him when she tells him that there is still some good in him. This adds to Proctors confidence allowing some of his guilt to be lifted and gives him the strength to look into her eyes and ask for her forgiveness. Elizabeth realises that Proctor is about to makes his decision and knows what it will be this adds to the emotion. Proctors decision to confess is dramatic as it builds up wen he rises slowly until he cant hold in what he wants to say anymore and shouts out in great pain Enough, enough-. Proctors decision to confess leads the audience to believe that because he has decided to confess then maybe this will influence Elizabeth and Rebecca nurse to confess. It also makes the audience think that Proctor will live.  The speed of Danforth and the others adds tension as it shows the audience the urgency of getting Proctor to sign as it will soon be to late as its not only Proctor they want to confess. Danforth also wants Rebecca as they feel that hanging these people will cause the villagers to rebel as Proctor and Rebecca, are respected people. Danforth is and the others are so rushed as time is running out and dawn is nearing this means that it will soon be to late for them to save Rebecca and also Proctor may change his mind to confess.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Causes of the Cold War Essay -- History USSR USA

Causes of the Cold War In this paper I will discuss what actions and thoughts added up to cause the cold war. The cold war lasted from September 1, 1945 to about December 25, 1991. That is about forty-five years, which is an extremely long time. The cold war was a global competition basically between two sides, the Free World, which was led by the United States of America, and the Communist World led by the Soviet Union. The struggle took place through indirect military conflict, and direct competition in the areas of economics, diplomacy, culture, space exploration, and political theory. It also involved nuclear stand offs, espionage, and global competition for other nations. The cold war has established the framework for most international and national policy decisions. The United States? goals were to defend Western Europe, contain Soviet and Communist expansion, and to prevent nuclear war. The Americans had an estimated twenty-four million veterans participating in the cold war and spent over twelve trillion dollars on it as well. The results for America were that we maintained the achievements of our victory in World War II, avoided/prevented global nuclear war, and unified Germany. We also directly freed 400 million people in ten different European nations from the bondage of Communism. We did this in the Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. The United States also indirectly assisted in the freeing or relieving of tension/control on the peoples of Albania, Yugoslavia, Finland, and Mongolia. Basically the two pick players in the cold war were the United States and the Soviet Union. At the end of the World War II the relations be... mainly between the Soviet Union and the United States, again. The USSR got extremely annoyed not to know about America?s atom bomb in 1945. However the USSR got their own atom bomb in 1949 and then both sides began to stock up on weapons to arm themselves. The Soviets took the American bombing on Japan as an American motive to intimidate Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union. The existence of nuclear weapons prevented an all-out war, possibly a World War III, between the Soviet Union and The United States. Both sides realized that since they both have nuclear weapons what good would it be to use them, because they would destroy each other. So basically there was numerous things that took place that added up to the creation of the cold war. Nobody can pick out one event and say that it caused the cold war, because it was definitely more than one thing.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Four Horsemen

Jair Hayes Mr. Buckingham Horsemen Essay 1 December 2011 Series of Unfortunate Events The four horsemen of the apocalypse appear in the story â€Å"How Much Land does a Man Need? † because they are all symbolical. The four horsemen are the horse of Conquest (white), War (Red), Black (Famine), and Pale (Death). These four horsemen are all symbolical in some way and all connect in the story in a important way. They help explain the series of events in Pakhom’s journey to his demise. The first horseman is conquest which is a white horse. This is symbolic because Pakhom sets out on a conquest for so much land. He starts off with no land basically then he starts to get land. He next has 15 desyatins, and seems to be contempt with this land. Though, after a while he does set out to get to get more land which he acquires. Pakhom then realizes he can get even more land by going to these Indians to get as much land as he wants. Then he realizes that he has to pay 100 rubies a day to get as much as he wants. Before this though, we get introduced to the next horse which is war. The next being war comes in when Pakhom gets his land. He realizes that people are messing with his land and he doesn’t like it. Though, the irony in that is the fact that he did the same thing when he had little to no land himself. After these events Pakhom took people to court and lost and would try to put peasants on trial. This caused a dispute between Pakhom and most of the commoners, meaning they didn’t get along. People are in a war because naturally they don’t get along. Though, you have to make sacrifices in war which brings in the next horse. The next horseman is famine which is represented by black. This one is more metaphorical I feel then literal. For Pakhom to afford all this land he sold many things. Eventually he sold almost everything he had. He went into a personal need or possession famine. Pakhom also went into a morals famine. He basically left everything behind just for land and nothing else, which in hindsight makes no sense. If you don’t have money to even buy seeds, he why would you need land. He didn’t even have a horse anymore because he sold it. He could have used his horse to plow the fields. Pakhom became very greedy which leads to the final horse. The last horse is the horseman of death which is a pale color. This horse is obviously representing the death of the main character Pakhom. Pakhom became too greedy and unnecessarily needy. When he keeps going on at the end of the story for the land he should have realized he didn’t need that much land to begin with. If you have to walk more than a mile or three to plant or plow crops then you have too much land I personally feel. These are how these four horseman of the apocalypse connect in the story.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Outline Worksheet for Persuasive Speech

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the advantages of the online courses. Thesis Statement: Now, the online courses become more and more popular. However, why increasable students chose online courses, there are lots of homework, the limit time and the higher quality of the class. With the improvement of the online courses, the students can get same knowledge, but spend less time in the online courses. Introduction I. Attention-getter: At the beginning of my speech, I have several questions. Did you always spend a lot time between the school and home? Did you usually worry that you couldn’t catch up with the teacher? Did you ever think about the solutions for those? II. Establishment of ethos: In fact, I usually don’t get up until the class will begin in the morning, so I ever think that the classroom could move into my room someday. Now it becomes true. The online courses will bring more sleep time for me. III. Preview:Even though many students still prefer face-to-face lecture classes, I think online courses are more beneficial because the content is the same as classroom courses, the time is flexible and there is no peer pressure in online courses. With such great benefits, students should sign up for online courses considering the hectic lifestyle everyone has today. (Transition: Now, I will talk about the advantages about the online courses. ) Body I. First, the content of online courses is the same as the courses in a classroom. A. Professors can record their lectures into videos and teach live online, and professors can also assign homework for their students easily. The only difference for students is that they have to hand in their homework through the internet. However, this has nothing to do with the quality of the class. B. I found an article named â€Å"Students Can Take Class Online at Home,† which was published in the Atlanta Journal & Constitution, said that â€Å"students log on to a designated Web site where lecture notes and slide shows are posted. † Therefore, online courses already became a helpful way to teach students. II. Second, the schedule is very flexible for students. A. For some online courses, professors will just put the materials on their own website and let students take courses at their own pace. For example, a math teacher can allow students to run through a lesson on the computer or use the computer to help illustrate what is being taught personally. The online courses can also be used to give extra help to students about to fail a class. B. In addition, if it is a class that requires a lot of time, they can take breaks whenever and then continue later on. It is also an effective way to take a class, because after a break, students can concentrate on the class better and remember more things at the same time. III. Third, some students think that if they take a classroom class, they will feel peer pressure, because if another student finishes faster than he or she does, then he or she will get nervous and can’t finish the rest well. A. The problem will be solved if they take an online course because it is just the students themselves at home so they can study the questions at their own pace without the pressure of feeling nervous. They may help the students get a high grade in the exam or an assignment. B. For example, in my Chinese university, there will often be a lot of students taking an exam in the classroom at the same time. I remember that one of my classmates in my English class took the mid-term exam with me and that he took a long time during the reading part. As time progressed, more and more students finished before he did and after the time was up, I asked him how he did and he told me he couldn’t concentrate on the test because of text anxiety and the constant distraction of students leaving before he did, so he got a low grade on this exam. Conclusion I. Summarize and Review: In conclusion, students can greatly benefit from online courses. The content in lecture classes is the same as online classes. Also, the peer pressure is gone when it comes to online courses. Most importantly, students who take online courses have more flexible study time. II. Tie to the introduction: Therefore, taking online courses, we will waste no time between school and home, but get the same knowledge. III. Creative concluding thought: I think online courses will become more available to all students in the future then students can probably learn more effectively from the online courses. References: Sophia Lezin Jones, Aug 7, 2000, Atlanta Journal & Constitution, Gwinnett students can take class online at home Carter, Rochelle, Aug 1, 2002, Atlanta Journal & Constitution, BACK TO SCHOOL: Online courses expand Clayton's gaining popularity;id=317526

Friday, November 8, 2019

Working Capital Strategies Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Working Capital Strategies Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Working Capital Strategies FIN/419 June 22, 2015 Michele Huss Working Capital Strategies Introduction Working capital is defined as as the difference between current assets and current liabilities ("Working Capital", 2015). Our team has reviewed important financial reports such as the most recent balance sheet and cash flows statements, taking relevant data to be analyzed for how it will impact cash management strategies. In order to have a distinct impact and increase profits there has to be growth and innovation, positively impacting consumer interest in Apples product line. To do this Apple executives and management have to have a clear image of where they are presently, and what needs to be accomplished to reach their goals. Included is a description of how current assets and liabilities affect cash flow management, this information is important because it allows management to make strategic decisions to increase revenue and market share. Our team has had the opportunity to make capital recommendations based on the assumption that Apples forecasted revenue will increase by twenty percent to management that includes detailed pro forma reports. The final area our team will focus on is how the increased revenue will effect Apples working capital policy, identifying lessons we have learned and highlighting areas that can be developed further. This gives members of senior management a clear outline of where this business Apple is and what it will take to attain their future financial goals. Increased Forecasted Revenues: MEGAN Any company's revenue has the ability to increase or to decrease each year. Let's observe Apple's current income statement; in accordance to Google Finance (2015), Apple's most recent income statement of March 3rd, 2015 had the company's total revenue at $58 million. Assuming we forecasted correctly, Apple's revenue increases 20% in 2016, let's say roughly $69 million. The company would have not only to perform well over the course of the year but also had to of developed a new piece of technology that the public loved. Over the past couple of years, Apple has managed to progress and present several products into the marketplace that clients excitedly expect. If a company's revenue increases it is most likely to increase their gross profit as well, and Apple appears to be using their working capital funds effectively. It is the information that's provided but financial statements; for example, balance sheet, income statement, & cash flow statement) that demonstrate whether that compa ny is profitable. And whether there is sufficient ability to meet the working capital also needs to the long-term debt. Current Assets & Liabilities Affect Cash Management: MEGAN The information one can obtain from financial statements provided by trend analysis, ratio analysis and the footnotes to the financial statements offer important information about the management of a company and its potential success over time. The only way anyone can learn how successful and profitable a company is involved careful and concise analysis of a company's financial statements. How are Apple's assets and liabilities affecting their cash flow? A closer look at the numbers demonstrates $231,839,000 in total assets and $120,292,000 in total liabilities (Yahoo Finance, 2015). So, increases in accounts receivable, inventory and prepaid expenses hurts the cash flow, decreases in these areas help the cash flow. Increases in short-term operating liabilities help cash flow where a decrease would hinder the cash flow. Apple does not seem to be in any distress at this point, and that is because of their innovative products. Poor cash flow makes nearly impossible to hire and retain d ecent employees; again Apple does not fall short here either. Lastly, the company's accounts receivable turnover and inventory (part of company assets) also to the actual cash flow analysis, determine how efficient revenues translate into cash flows. This aids in the determination when it comes to the company's health and stability. Capital Recommendation: MEGAN Any company, profitable or not should have a working capital recommendation. Calculating a pro forma is essential to the capital recommendation. According to Way (2007) a company's pro forma is the forecasted financial statements that are based on either anticipated future events or potentially changing business performance in upcoming periods. After research, I have constructed the following pro forma chart using the financial statements located in the Google Finance and Yahoo Finance references. Reference

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

These 6 part-time jobs come with benefits

These 6 part-time jobs come with benefits People want part-time jobs for a number of reasons- schedule flexibility, side hustle, and the chance to gain experience in a new field are just a few. But while part-time work is increasingly common, these jobs don’t always have the same features as their full-time counterparts, like benefits in addition to your salary or hourly wage. However don’t despair: if you’re seeking a part-time job with benefits (like health insurance, dental insurance, paid time off, etc.), it’s not necessarily like searching for a unicorn. Here are six part-time gigs (30 hours or fewer per week) that come with some of the perks normally reserved for full-timers.1. Registered NurseThis one may not seem like a part-time job on first glance, but it’s a career path that can be made flexible by taking reduced shifts or overnight hours. Nurses typically receive benefits through their employer, whether on a part-time or full-time basis. Becoming a nurse requires a minimum degre e in nursing (typically a bachelor’s), plus certification, so it’s important to make sure you have those credentials before you consider it for your part-time career.2. Bank TellerIf you have strong math skills and availability during traditional daytime â€Å"banker’s hours,† then you might want to consider becoming a bank teller. Some banks offer a full range of benefits to part-time employees including health insurance, retirement programs, and tuition reimbursement.3. Retail AssociateYou might have heard that retail companies are notorious for not having employee benefits, right? Not so fast. While unfortunately many retail companies do not provide benefits for their employees, there are large companies that famously offer benefits to part-time employees who work a certain number of hours per week, including the following:CostcoLand’s EndBarnes NobleLowe’sStaplesNikeWhole FoodsIt pays to do a little extra research on companies before yo u apply so you can see if these kinds of benefits that are available to non-full-time workers.4. BaristaSimilarly, some food service companies go out of their way to provide benefits to part-time employees, like Starbucks. Starbucks prides itself on offering healthcare coverage, a 401(k) retirement program, and educational reimbursement programs even to its part-time employees.5. Pharmacy TechnicianLike nursing, pharmacy technicians are health professionals who can set hours to turn a full-time job into a part-time one. These professionals work with pharmacists to dispense medication according to prescriptions and strict standards and work with customers to understand their prescriptions. Because many pharmacies are part of retail stores, the hours can be flexible.6. Logistics and Shipping AssociateCompanies like U-Haul and UPS offer a range of benefits to their part-time employees including insurance, a 401(k) retirement program, stock ownership, and educational reimbursement progr ams.So if you’re looking for part-time work, you don’t necessarily need to give up on the idea of having (at least some of) the benefits you’d enjoy as a full-time employee. You can have your flexibility and your perks at the same time. It may take some extra searching, but the research you do now will definitely pay off later.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ilandes between them Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ilandes between them - Essay Example Japan is a prominent affiliate for the US in several foreign policy subjects, especially when it comes to security priorities, from countering the growth of  China within the region to responding to threats from North Korea. After the World War II, the alliance between US and Japan has long been a fix of the US security function within East Asia. This alliance eases the forward operations of nearly 49,000 US troops, as well as other US military resources based within Japan into the Asia-Pacific. Therefore, if Japan makes a decision of becoming a member of the free trade agreement known as Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), it will turn out to be an even more crucial subject within the rebalancing strategy of the Obama Administration to Asia (Curtis). In the last seven years, Japan has fought to achieve political stability. Since 2007, Japan has seen six men becoming Prime Ministers, comprising of the present Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who in 2006-2007 held the same post. His Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) resumed authority in a landslide election held in December 2012. Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), i.e. the present opposition, had governed for three turbulent years following their own watershed election win in 2009 (Curtis). The leaders in Japan encounter  overwhelming responsibilities including a rising increasingly aggressive China, a feeble economy and overhauling from the destructive March 2011 earthquake, tsunami, as well as nuclear disaster. In the recent past, opposition dominion over a single chamber of parliament has deterred policymaking in Tokyo, thereby complicating the relations between US and Japan in spite of general shared national benefits. Abe is improbable to pursue divisive initiatives prior to the coming national elections in July 2013, for the Diet, i.e. the Upper House of parliament (Curtis). Perhaps most radically, the US is going to be directly engaged in a military clash between Japan and China concerning the Senkaku/Diaoyu islets within the East China Sea. Previous comments and deeds on contentious historical concerns by Prime Minister Abe together with his cabinet have resulted in concerns that Tokyo is capable of upset regional dealing in ways that could end up harming US interests. As a strong nationalist, Abe is currently under duress on the right by a newly created party flaunting its own hawkish opinions on national security. As a result, Abe’s approach to problems such as the alleged â€Å"comfort women† sex slaves during the World War II period, history textbooks, trips to the Yasukuni Shrine, which tributes to  war dead of Japan, as well as assertions on a territorial conflict with South Korea, will be under scrutiny by not only the neighbors of Japan, but also by the US (Curtis). Although the enormous and instantaneous humanitarian relief given by the US after the â€Å"triple disaster† in March 2011, bolstered the mutual alliance, difficult concerns remain especially those linked to the positioning of marines on Okinawa. In spite of Washington and Tokyo consenting to relocate the majority of marines from Okinawa into Guam, as well as other locations within the region, the two administrations were incapable of making

Friday, November 1, 2019

Leading a Multicultural Team through a Change Process Case Study - 18

Leading a Multicultural Team through a Change Process - Case Study Example The current discourse hereby aims to present an action plan to get the team back on track, using your new knowledge of multicultural teams and communication, the change process, decision making, and ethics. From the complaints that were relayed, as well as with the diversity of the team members, not only in cultural orientation but also in age and gender, it was evident that the team leader is currently faced with challenges to get the team back on track. The problems apparently stem from lack of unified interest and commitment to achieve a common goal. Likewise, there is lack of motivation to improve the performance and productivity of team members. As such, the means to solve the problems that were relayed by the members include application of leadership theories (leadership style and skills, motivational strategies), effective communication, change management, conflict resolution, as well as emphasis on the adherence to ethical, moral, and legal standards (Martires & Fule, 2004). Thus, emphasize time schedules, delineation of roles and responsibilities, reporting protocols, communication procedures, conflict resolution, and the need to change behaviour and attitude of members to attain the identified goal. Forge commitment from all the team members into collaborative and participative efforts to ensure that costs are minimized, identified projects phases and activities are undertaken according to schedule, and group cohesiveness is effectively manifested. Likewise, aside from the rewards, sanctions for violating policies and procedures for the project should also be developed. For instance, failure to produce expected outcome according to assigned tasks should be sanctioned or penalized according to the organization’s code of discipline (Hill & Jones, 2012). As emphasized, â€Å"the impetus for change is dissatisfaction with the old behaviour† (Martires & Fule, 2004, p. 358). The previous project leader was fired due to unethical behaviour.  Ã‚