Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Filipinization Essay Essay
Clarify the effect realized by the ascent of Ilustrados and the Filipino Clergy in the Philippine Nationalist Movement and their impact to Rizal. The most conspicuous Ilustrados were Graciano Lã ³pez Jaena, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Mariano Ponce, Antonio Luna and Josã © Rizal, the Philippine national saint. Rizal’s books Noli Me Tangere (â€Å"Touch Me Not†) and El filibusterismo (â€Å"The Subversive†) â€Å"exposed to the world the shameful acts forced on Filipinos under the Spanish pilgrim regime†. Before all else, Rizal and his individual Ilustrados favored not to win freedom from Spain, rather they longed lawful equity for bothPeninsulares and nativesâ€Indios, Insulares, and mestizos, among othersâ€in the province. Among the political, strict and financial changes requested by the Ilustrados were that â€Å"the Philippines be spoken to in the Cortes and be considered as an area of Spain†and â€Å"the secularization of the parishes.†In any case, in 1872, patriot slant developed most grounded, when three Filipino clerics, â€Å"charged with driving a military revolt at a munititions stockpile inCavite, close Manila†, were executed by the Spanish specialists. The occasion and â€Å"other abusive acts insulted the Ilustrados. Due to his enemy of administrative works and exercises, Rizal was executed on December 30, 1896. His execution moved the Ilustrados . This likewise incited solidarity among the Ilustrados and Andrã ©s Bonifacio’s radical Katipunan. Philippine strategies by the United States fortified the prevailing situation of the Ilustrados inside Filipino society. Minister homes were offered to the Ilustrados and most government positions were offered to them. The Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was an uprising of military faculty of Fort San Felipe, the Spanish arms stockpile in Cavite, Philippines on January 20, 1872. Around 200 troopers and workers ascended in the conviction that it would hoist to a national uprising. The insurrection was fruitless, and government fighters executed a significant number of the members and started to get serious about an expanding patriot development. Numerous researchers accept that the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was the start of Filipino patriotism that would in the long run lead to the Philippine Revolution of 1896. The essential driver of the insurrection is accepted to be a request from Governor-General Rafael de Izquierdo to subject the officers of the Engineering and Artillery Corps to individual charges, from which they were beforehand excluded. The charges expected them to pay a money related aggregate just as to perform constrained work called, â€Å"polo y servicio.†The rebellion was started on January 20, when the workers got their compensation and understood the duties just as the falla, the fine one paid to be excluded from constrained work, had been deducted from their pay rates. Secularization is a procedure by which the general public is gradually changing from that having close distinguishing proof with the strict foundation to a progressively isolated relationship. This was viewed as the beginning of Philippine Nationalism, especially after the execution of Gomburza. The Gomburza headed the secularization development. They upheld the privilege of the Filipino common ministry over the task of wards as opposed to offering them to the recently showed up Spanish monks in the nation. The seculars were the individuals who were not limited by ascetic promises or rules. They were segregated by the Dominicans, Jesuits, Franciscans and Recollects. The Filipino clerics at that point were appointed as partners to Spanish ministers. Secularism started in 1861 when the wards of Mindanao initially oversaw by the Recollect ministers were given to the Jesuits. The Jesuits were ousted from the Philippines in 1768 on account of the contention they had between the European heads. In any case, they came back to the nation in 1861 and recapture control over the Mindanao areas from the Recollects who took over during their nonattendance. The Recollects were presented the areas of Manila and Cavite by the pilgrim government to mollified their misfortune. The first executives of the wards, the Filipino common clerics, normally dissented. Sources:
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Megaraptor - Facts and Figures
Megaraptor - Facts and Figures Name: Megaraptor (Greek for goliath hoodlum); articulated MEG-ah-rap-tore Environment: Fields and forests of South America Authentic Period: Late Cretaceous (90-85 million years back) Size and Weight: Around 25 feet in length and 1-2 tons Diet: Meat Recognizing Characteristics: Enormous size; bipedal stance; long, single paws on front hands About Megaraptor Like another stunningly named monster, Gigantoraptor, Megaraptor has been a piece oversold, in that this enormous, flesh eating dinosaur wasnt actually a genuine raptor. At the point when the dissipated fossils of Megaraptor were found in Argentina in the late 1990s, scientistss were intrigued by a solitary, foot-long paw, which they accepted that was situated on this dinosaurs rear feethence its arrangement as a raptor (and one that would have been considerably greater than the greatest raptor yet distinguished, Utahraptor). On closer examination, however, it worked out that Megaraptor was really an enormous theropod firmly identified with Allosaurus and Neovenator, and that those single, curiously large hooks were situated on its hands as opposed to its feet. Taking care of business, Megaraptor has end up being comparable in appearance to another enormous theropod from Australia, Australovenator, a clue that Australia may have been associated with South America later into the Creta ceous time frame than was recently suspected. Its place in the dinosaur bestiary aside, how was Megaraptor really? All things considered, it wouldnt be amazing if this South American dinosaur was secured with plumes (in any event during some phase of its life cycle), and it more likely than not remained alive on the little, skittery ornithopods of its late Cretaceous biological system, or maybe even on infant titanosaurs. Megaraptor may likewise have experienced, or even went after, one of only a handful scarcely any evident raptors of South America, the fittingly named Austroraptor (which just weighed around 500 pounds, or a fourth of Megaraptors size).
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tips for Choosing College Classes
Tips for Choosing College Classes Important Tips for Choosing College Classes Home›Education Posts›Important Tips for Choosing College Classes Education PostsToday colleges offer a wide range of different courses to choose from. Sometimes it is difficult for students, especially freshmen, to decide on what college classes to take. All students should know that picking right courses at the right time is very essential for successful career. Of course, colleges have their core curriculum but you can modify it, and what is more, you are free to plan your own schedule. It may seem challenging to you but at the same time, you should enjoy this privilege. To help you correctly select needed classes, below are some important tips for choosing college classes:Consult your college advisor: Every college has advisors who can help students to choose right courses. If you don’t know what to do, only 15 minutes talk with college counselor may set you on the right track. He/she can advise you some interesting subjects and help you to create convenient schedule.Balance your schedule: Don’t saddle yourself with a big amount of different classes. It is advisable to balance your schedule, varying subjects, levels of difficulty, and due dates. Also it is reasonable to select both humanities and natural sciences so that left and right brain hemispheres are involved.Choose good professors: You may find useful information about the professors and their style of teaching by merely asking older students. Don’t forget that qualified professor is crucial for your academic and professional future success.Try to quickly cope with core college disciplines: Core college disciplines vary from math and philosophy to lab sciences. It is understandable that you may not be interested in some of these subjects and in this situation may become your best friend. Surely, you want to pay more attention to your chosen disciplines; therefore, it is recommendable to take most of core classes during first years so that you can concentrate on your major disciplines. When in college, it is difficult to balance your life, time, and study process but using these recommendations you can make it.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Future Prospects For The Future - 1581 Words
What are the future prospects for work in Canada? Name Course Affiliated institution Tutor Date Introduction There are various things which are likely to work in the future Canada. One of the key issues which will be discussed in this paper about the future of work in Canada include globalization. Several models will be discussed in this paper about the sustainability of work in the face of the increasing pressures within the limits of work and also the available resources which are ready to be exploited. In this paper, a discussion about the determinants of future work, fairness and justice in the Canada, the dominance of the capitalistic principles, new economic models emergence, and the technological evolution are some of the factors which will be discussed in this paper in relation to the future prospects of Canadian work. In addition to all those factors influencing the future of Canadian work, other areas which will be discussed in this paper include the impact of the unions on work and the workers, the inequality in work places, insecurity at work, the health impacts of work and it s environment and also the organization of work in Canada. The overall Canadian industry and work operate in the context of free trade and also globalization. The increase in integration and economic interdependence has no effect on many economies, including the Canadian economy. The integration has instead strengthened the nation which makes it to stand out. Opening up newShow MoreRelatedProspects For Future Study1169 Words  | 5 Pagesthe timeline then it needed to be. While these characters stand as great items for future study, the initial grouping of Job, the Jailor, and Judas fit together and give a biblical response that spans both testaments. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Scholarship Application Essay Samples Help!
Scholarship Application Essay Samples Help! Scholarship Application Essay Samples Secrets That No One Else Knows About Considering all the knowledge areas and tips that you're already conscious of in writing a scholarship letter, it is possible to easily put together all of the information that you must make sure you and your scholarship letter will stick out. Scholarship essay isn't a paper at which you can forgive yourself misspellings or formatting inaccuracy. In some instances, you might find it challenging to compose as a result of inadequate abilities, and therefore a sample winning scholarship essays would give the guidance you require. Guarantee that the essay does not have any typos, and grammatical errors. Don't use any fancy fonts as it can produce the essay appear informal. You can begin with your list of important points to get started writing the outline. Precious feedback will be able to help you come up with the very best edition of your application essay. You might take a look at our Essay Outline Template to lead you in the invention of such document. Make an outline before starting. You must look through some formatting guides and look closely at the specifications your institution gave you concerning the paper format. The Lost Secret of Scholarship Application Essay Samples You're able to add another paragraph if you feel that the second paragraph is insufficient to present the topic. It's far better to use your own words and see to the subject working with a very clear and concise language. The method starts with the client entering the appropriate data in the purchase form. So since you can see, the registration method is very simple and understandable, so there are not any conundrums or trick to do that correctly. An essay is going to be structured and well written only in the event you prepare a great outline for it. It is the first impression and quite possibly the only time you will have the opportunity to give an i mpression of who you are. Even though this kind of essay should only be 250 words long, you should organize your ideas beforehand. For me, writing essays isn't a simple job. The absolute most important part of your scholarship essay is the subject issue. In summary, the meat of the essay was not there. Adhere to a narrative structure when building your essay, it is going to be less difficult for you to tell your own personal experiences. Possessing an outline can make the writing part of the essay go a good deal smoother. For some people it's quite hard to compose a paper, if they're not given an illustration of it. Such a paper is going to be evaluated by means of a committee, which needs to choose one of several applicants, breaking dreams of hundreds of others. Don't neglect to use a wide dictionary and respective lexical tools, which can help you to enrich the topic. In case the topic isn't given, such examples enable students to comprehend what the modern-day academic world is interested in and how to stick out from the rest. A History of Scholarship Application Essay Samples Refuted A whole lot of scholarship grants are now made available nowadays, and a growing number of students realize there are avenues they can turn to attain success not just in their studies, but more to the point, in their prospective careers. Just being considered to turn in an application for a scholarship is already a pleasure and an achievement that you need to be pleased with. For instance, if you're asking for a general academic scholarship, you may want to speak about a particular class you took that really piqued your interest or inspired your present academic and career targets. Not everybody can afford excellent education, and that's why some folks elect to join the institution's scholarship program. Money management is a complex course of action. The scholarship committee would like to observe how investing in your education will aid your career. Being invited for a scholarship application is a wonderful experience that is why you have to make the absolute most out of it. Being part of an excellent educational institution can be rather costly. The Importance of Scholarship Application Essay Samples Scholarship essay ideasmay give you the ability to produce the paper distinctive and pithy. The wonderful argumentative Scholarship Essay Samples formats and samples are just world-class, and they'll inspire folks to write argumentative essays in various competitions. Writing a scholarship essay may not be a very simple job for many students. It can be very difficult especially if you want to do it well. The judges want to know you with nice and bad. Without regard to the essay prompt, you may want to be sure to incorporate the important and appropriate details about your experiences and background that makes you a perfect candidate for the scholarship award. When it is possible read the papers of the prior winners. The Little-Known Secrets to Scholarship Application Essay Samples To start brainstorming subject ideas consider these points. Your range of words and the way you construct your sentences are some points that could influence your application. To start with, it's essential to understand your purpose for writing. In case you have any doubts contact the university administration and request clarifications.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Herbert Mullin Criminal Profile free essay sample
Mullin Herbert Mullin was born in Salina California which happens to be the anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake as well as Einstein’s death. He was the youngest between him and his sibling, Patricia. He was raised by both parents Jean and Bill Mullin. He didn’t have any problems in school he was popular and physically attractive. He had a good childhood but through his life span he made a lot of wrong decisions that includes drug abuse which aggravated schizophrenia. In high school he had a lot of friends and was quite popular. He played football and had a steady relationship and was voted most likely to succeed. At the age of eighteen he attended Cabrillo College to study engineering. In the summer of 1967 he graduated with a two year degree in road engineering and enrolled at San Jose State College change his major to philosophy and took on the hippie lifestyle. We will write a custom essay sample on Herbert Mullin Criminal Profile or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At the age of twenty-one In June 1965 people began to think that his sanity was deteriorating due to the fact that he built a shrine in his bedroom to Dean, his friend that was killed in a car accident the summer after graduation. At the age of nineteen he first experienced LSD which lead him to experimenting more with marijuana and LSD. At the age of twenty one he was arrested for possession of marijuana. At the age of 21 at a family dinner he started showing signs of schizophrenia which was aggravated by drug abuse. At the age of twenty two Herbert Mullin began treatment as a resident of the community drug abuse prevention center in Santa Cruz. Later that year Herbert Mullin was committed to the psychiatric ward of San Luis Obispo County General Hospital because with is mental disorder he was a danger to others, himself and gravely disabled. A month later he was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. He was not one that cared to take his medication. In the summer of 1970 he was diagnosed as a schizo-affective schizophrenia. In 1970 he began blaming his parents for his illness and in result took them out of his will. Herbert killed people believing that if he started to kill people it will lessen the chances of another hurricane happening in his area. He did this by only killing random Caucasians from the age of 4 to 72. He bought his materials to the crime scene such as a gun, knife, and baseball bat. He was a psychotic visionary. Mullin had no developmental problems according to Erikson. He went through all the stages where he experience love and finding out what personality he wants to embrace. This is the point and time when he realizes that he is a bisexual. The motivation behind it seems to be the fact that he was born the day that Albert Einstein died and the anniversary of San Francisco Earthquake. Freud would have said that he is anticathexis because he gives off the sense that his ego is blocking the socially unacceptable needs of id. Mullin for example when he found out that his target moved he went after him and killed him as planned. Afterwards he couldn’t resist the urge to go back and kill the messenger who could have been a witness in the killing incident that happened before her and her family. Bibliography * Watts, Vernetta. Californian Guilty in 10 Murder Cases. (1973, August 20). New York Times, P. 10. Mullin, Herbert. N. P. , n. d. Web. 09 May 2013. * Santa Cruz Serial Killer, Herbert Mullin, Denied Parole Central Coast News KION/KCBA. Santa Cruz Serial Killer, Herbert Mullin, Denied Parole Central Coast News KION/KCBA. 13 May 2013 * Freudian Theory. About. com Psychology. N. P. , n. d. Web. 16 May 2013.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Plot,setting, resolution, conflict, point of view, character, climax, of creole democracy by Rufino Blanco-Fombona free essay sample
â€Å"Creole Democracy†is a clear presentation of one fundamental defect from of government. Democracy is based on the concept of the rule â€Å"of the people, by the people, for the people. â€Å"The success of a democratic form of government is based on the nature and condition of the electorate that they are literate enough to express their will in the ballot, that they have sufficient education to understand and analyze and decide on vital issues, and that they canimpose discipline on their emotions and themselves. To meet these requirements of democracy, Fambona tells us, most developing countries are still incapable. So the story ends in tragedy and death with the participants not really knowing it is all about. II.Commentary According to Edward Brathwaite, â€Å"creolization†is a cultural processâ€â€material, psychological and spiritualâ€â€based upon the stimulus/ response of individuals within the society to their [new] environment and to each otherâ€â€it is a reciprocal activity, a process of intermixture and enrichment, each to each. We will write a custom essay sample on Plot,setting, resolution, conflict, point of view, character, climax, of creole democracy by Rufino Blanco-Fombona or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †Generally, we use the term creole to refer to new world societies like the Caribbean and South America, as well as those postcolonial societies that have been made racially diverse through the convulsions of European colonization. Those countries that have such creole democracy need to embrace, mixture of people, making a new community where there is co-existence of diverse races and culture. Creole democracy have two political parties rely on having the majority of votes on their side: â€Å"the efforts of the party leaders were directed toward herding the largest possible number of men.†One party is the government and the other one are rebels. Both of them in competition: â€Å"the bosses of each side would spy upon each other to see how many voters were being added to their rivals forces.†The voters are uneducated about how they will vote and are just merely instructed by their chosen party: â€Å"party hacks were going from group to group explaining the procedure of the morrows election.†The voters already have a foresight that there will bewar that will happen in this kind election and begin to show mistrust on the electorates: â€Å"`Elections! `scoffed one vaquero. `Before long well be hearing Pum! Pum! And then, ho, for stabbing hides!’ â€Å"War is not new anymore to them because it happened before, especially during elections: â€Å"to this bit of grim humor in the face of possible tragedy.†and â€Å"this was a slogan familiar to everybody, and many smiled bitterly at the memories it awoke.†It is not impossible for this to happen because of the competition and influence of both parties. In war, the revolutionary officers have machetes while the rebels have guns on their hands. Both have a advantages and disadvantages: â€Å"for in a hand-on-hand struggle a heavy gun is a hindrance rather than a help. â€Å"Both parties are keeping a secret on the public: â€Å"they dont tell the truth. If were going to war, let’s go but let them not hide from us. â€Å"The story reveals the role of women. Men compare them to hens and portray them as weak beings: â€Å"Theyre not afraid that well run off into hiding like so many hens or women The party leaders dont care much about the safety of their people: â€Å"Be sure to cry out loud, now, when you want us to come to your help.†sending the vaquero to spy on the other party. In this scene, it shows that women in that time are used as a shield: â€Å"Heres a woman to go along and keep you company. â€Å"The vaquero acted arrogant and fearless as he go along and thought of his leader belittling him: â€Å"They think I’m afraid.†The young vaquero didnt think of any elderly respect for the old man as he killed him defenseless. But when he killed the old man he was scared but proud of what he did: â€Å"the youth run off at one at his leader and not without a certain boastfulness told, in the presence of all, just what had occurred. â€Å"A woman was again portrayed as rather someone to be killed even an elderly one: â€Å"Kill and old manWhy not an old woman†Realizing that the other group will hunt down the vaquero, he was just asked to h ide or hell die, receiving no help from the leader who used him: â€Å"I cant do a thing. Quick! Off to the mountains!†The vaquero didnt know that what he did was a crime as a sign of an uneducated man who just his leader: â€Å"Then it is true that this was a crime?†All that he thought was to kill the other party with one reason at all. That he is an enemy. Realizing his mistake he turned himself to justice. Having regrets of his ignorance and still confused: â€Å"But werent we supposed to conquer them? Werent they our enemies? â€Å"The people of Camoruco are not yet ready for democratic changes. For them to have a successful democracy, the public and the electorates should be first educated about the meaning of democracy. The story proved that education of people and the leaders will only turn into chaos. The leaders should not think about themselves and be selfish but rather to put into mind that democracy is â€Å"of the people, by the people and for the people†. Each of the public should have a contribution for the success of the country not just merely being influenced by powerful leaders. The leaders of both party in the story dont have a clear goal of what they will do in their country, cant even notice the issues they are facing and discipline themselves rather all they want is to be in power.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Burn Case Study Essays
Burn Case Study Essays Burn Case Study Essay Burn Case Study Essay Mr. Davis is a 56-year-old man who was involved in a fire in his home. He was smoking a cigarette and fell asleep, dropping the cigarette and igniting the bed linens. He sustained full thickness burns over the upper half of his trunk and neck (anterior and posterior) and the posterior aspects of both upper arms. He also sustained superficial partial-thickness burns to his face and hands. He arrived at your burn unit 5 hours after injury. Labs were drawn. A foley catheter and NG tube were inserted in the ER. Assessment findings: Height is 72 inches, weight is 185 lbs. You auscultate wheezes in the patient’s lungs and he has a productive cough of a small amount of carbon-tinged sputum. Mr. Davis rates his pain at a â€Å"9†on a scale of 0-10. He denies pain at the chest, neck, back, and upper arms. Urine output has totaled 150 ml since the foley was inserted 2 hours ago. His foley is draining burgundy-colored urine. Mr. Davis is experiencing nausea, has faint bowel sounds, and his abdomen is distended. A nasogastric tube was inserted to low intermittent suction and is draining dark yellow-green liquid. His extremities are edematous making the pulses difficult to palpate. His blood pressure is 96/50, pulse 114 beats per minute, respirations are 24, and temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The greatest initial threat to a patient with a major burn is hypovolemic shock. Using the above assessment: 1. Do you think Mr. Davis is experiencing hypovolemic shock? If so, what data supports this? (2 points) Yes, Mr. Davis is most likely experiencing hypovolemic shock, due to low blood pressure, increased heart rate, as well as an increase in respiratory rate.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Health Promotion Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Health Promotion Report - Essay Example As per the guidelines published by the Moodie and Hulme in their book; the assignment is also promoting "building blocks for health promotion" with an understanding of epidemiology and measures population health of a particular community. The assignment evaluates and examines closely the health needs of a specific age group of children belonging to 5-10 years. Based on this evaluation a health promotion activity must be implemented for the particular group of population. This is promoted with the use of signage, posters, radio interview/announcement, health education (e.g. stall at the local show or shopping centre), structured change (e.g. health awareness classes), advocacy (e.g. providing support to implement change such as lobbying the local council to tackle the problem of risk taking behavior by teenage boys) and capacity building by encouraging the development of policy (e.g. media advertising to encourage men to engage in regular exercise) (Barnes and Row, 2008). Promotional strategies creating awareness about the health either at the local school, shopping centre, child care centre, community health centre must be implemented for this a deep understanding about the community must be made (Talbot, 2005). Educational strategies encompass the level of education of the community being addressed. This must be focused and kept under consideration to convey the message and make the message understood by the community. For this a role model must be organized to discuss the issues with the target group. Promotion of such issues can be performed with the help of media (Talbot, 2005). To gather support to the strategy thorough campaigning with the Roads and Traffic Authorities must be done. This not only provides funding but also expertise to assist with the activities and must be advocated in order to support the program (Child and Youth Health). A health sector must be involved to encourage the development of the policies to provide a mandate for the community to follow and assure them for its safety. The documents must be submitted related with the evaluation of health promotion activities. It must emphasize the action plan to be implemented (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). All these activities require the process of information gathering, evaluation, influencing policy, public health law, advocacy, communication, leadership and management, partnerships and community mobilization (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare). The report identifies the need of the target group localized at the indo china community centre. This group encompasses asthmatic children belonging to the age group of 5-7 years. A deep understanding about the community is required to formulate the health promotion strategies. Awareness about the language spoken by these people, their cultural impact, their socioeconomic status is the imperative part of the health promotion strategies (SIDS Australia). The contact must be established with the target group either through personal meetings or through contacts to gather the required information. For this teacher of the school or area health profession must be confided to procure the data. The data collected must be recorded and filed to get the assessment. Their day to day life and eating habits must be emphasized so as to get an overall view for carrying out the assessment. Every community adopts
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Word meditation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Word meditation - Assignment Example Clearly not. In this sense then, awake means me are alert and paying attention to something. One might argue then that being awake does not depend on the person who is awake, but depends on the person or thing originally said person must pay attention to. Generally, we’re all awake for the Rolling Stones, or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, but we’re not always so awake for that 6am mathematics lecture, or grandma’s stories about how great it was to live in Ireland. Awake can be a verb – one can awake; and it can be an adjective – he is awake. However, these descriptions don’t always mean the person is awake from sleep. One can awake from past memories, or awaken from a dream. Here’s a quandary – can we be awake in a dream? I know I’ve had dreams where I’ve definitely been more attentive than during math class, dreams about flying or swimming a mile below the Atlantic Ocean, am I then more awake during these dreams than when I zoning out during math lectures? In this regard being awake is a much more complicated process than people originally realize. One not only has to be awake – meaning they are conscious – but they have to be conscious of being conscious in a way. They have to be so entirely conscious that there is no way they could possibly be unconscious. But then one must ask, is it possible to be too awake? Can one be so awake that they are no longer awake and just, well, Ià ¢â‚¬â„¢m not sure what they would be then, but definitely not
Monday, January 27, 2020
Aircraft Performance and Aviation Management
Aircraft Performance and Aviation Management Briefly discuss about the main objectives of Air Traffic Services? This information is supported by (,2014) says the objectives of the air traffic services shall be to: Prevent collisions between aircraft Prevent collisions between aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area Expedite and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic; Provide advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights Notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required. Explain how these objectives affect the aircraft movements and ground movements. This data is supported by (,2014) says Ground controllers must exchange information as necessary for the safe and efficient use of airport runways and movement areas. This may be accomplished via verbal means, flight progress strips, other written information, or automation displays. As a minimum, provide aircraft identification and applicable runway/intersection/taxiway information as follows: Ground control must notify local control when a departing aircraft has been taxied to a runway other than one previously designated as active. Ground control must notify local control of any aircraft taxied to an intersection for takeoff. This notification may be accomplished by verbal means or by flight progress strips. When the runways in use for landing/departing aircraft are not visible from the tower or the aircraft using them are not visible on radar, advise the local/ground controller of the aircrafts location before releasing the aircraft to the other controller. Aircraft movements This information was mentioned in (flyingwithoutfear,2014) When an aircraft starts its journey it first has to get permission to start its engines from a ground controller, then it will have to get permission to push back from its stand from another ground controller. Prior to taxi-ing it will be given instructions to take a particular route to the active runway according to its parking gate position and any other aircraft which are using the same runway. This permission will be given by yet another ground controller. Before the aircraft is given clearance to take off it will have to speak to the controller whose sole job is to give permission to aircraft to take off or land. When airborne, the pilots will change to another frequency and speak to a departure controller who will give permission for the aircraft to climb to a higher altitude. Once clear of other departing and arriving traffic the aircraft will transfer to an airways controller who will give permission for the aircraft to climb to its cruising height. The crew have to ask for permission to leave its cruising height before descending towards its destination. As the aircraft approaches the destination airport, various controllers will be responsible for its safe passage until it lands and parks at its arrival gate. Analyse the physical appearance of the control tower and its contribution to achieve these objectives and explain about the communication failure procedures. This data is mentioned in (,n.d) says In the past, Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) siting decisions have been significantly influenced by the upper height limits imposed by terminal procedures (TERPS) and controller opinions. Because tower siting (height and location) affects airport safety and construction costs, the FAA had no means to measure quantitatively the improvement in air traffic controller visibility that can be gained by changing the tower height and location on the airport surface, and there was no required minimum criterion for tower height. This information is supported by (experimentalaircraft,2014) Preflight -During preflight make sure that you have the correct frequencies with you: check the AIP, NOTAMs, approach and/or enroute charts. Preflight also means that you need to check communications availability for the airports and the route you plan to use. If not sure then a phone call with your destination will solve that problem, also ask if they accept NORDO (No Radio) aircraft. Garmin SL40 Aircraft Radio Radios can become complex equipment when they are integrated into Garmin G1000 systems like EFIS. Standalone Icom, Bendix King or Apollo/Garmin radios are really easy to control. Having the pilots quick reference manual in your flight bag or with the aircraft documentation or manual can be a big help. It will save the day should you become confused about any function of the radio. ATC light gun -Some aviation charts depict them: ATC light gun signals. Make sure you know them by heart or carry a copy of their meaning with you. Practice these signals every once in a while. Frequency change -If contact can not be established after a frequency change, go back to the previous frequency or channel and verify with the controller that you have the correct frequency. This is first thing you must do in this case. Second radio -If you suspect that your radio has failed and you have a second one, set that frequency in the other radio and try again. When I fly an aircraft with multiple radios I plan to use all of them, and during a handover I set the next frequency into the other radio and use that one. This way I always have both radios checked and functional. Should I need to switch back, its done within a blink of an eye on the intercom panel. Squelch setting -A squelch is used to suppress the white noise when no station is transmitting, turn the knob clockwise until the noise just about disappears (on radios with an automatic squelch you need to pull or push the volume knob). Sometimes after switching and verifying that you have the correct frequency and that the radio is operating correctly it might be that you are just to far away (or flying too low) for the next station. Its signal strength is just too weak to open the squelch you will hear nothing. First thing I do is to open up the squelch manually (pull/push the volume knob) and listen to the noise/static and other aircraft and retransmit when able. Chances are that you hear them calling you just above the noise level. By the time you get closer, the signal strength will have improved enough so that you can use the squelch again. Radio Failure -It will not happen that often but radios can fail and having a second on standby will save the day. Should it happen, try pulling the fuse wait a couple of minutes and push it in again. This might reset the radio. Should this fail then and you have only one radio, set 7600 on the transponder and determine if you need to divert to an airport where NORAD aircraft are allowed. It is advisable to call ATC after landing to explain the situation. Altitude -VHF communications rely on antennas to be in line of sight of each other to be able to receive their signals. Should you not hear the other station then climb, if possible, a couple of thousand feet. This will improve the range in which you can contact stations.HF communications rely on radio wave propagation by the Earths Ionosphere and line of sight is not so much of an issue here. Relaying-At times you may find that other, possibly higher flying aircraft, are willing to relay your message to the ground station. Sometimes even without asking, because they can hear you and the ground station and its obvious to them that you can not reach or hear ATC. Transponder Aircraft Transponder The transponder code for lost communications is 7600 in any mode (A/C/S). Setting this code will ring bells in ATC facilities and you will most definately get their attention! Again, make sure to explain the situation after landing. Diversion If all else fails and your destination is a controlled airport where radio communications are mandatory, then by all means divert to an airport where you can land without a radio and have your radio checked by a radio shop before you continue on to your final destination. Overflying the signal area before entering the circuit/pattern is a wise decision at that time. Describe about the visual signals and their use, colours and effects of the markings. Also identify other markings in the manoeuvring area and their use. This information was mentioned in (,2012) says A series of green flashes directed at an aircraft means respectively in flight on the ground 1. cleared to land; cleared to taxi. 2. return for landing; cleared for take-off. 3. return for landing; cleared to taxi. 4. cleared to land; cleared for take-off. A steady red light directed at an aircraft means in flight on the ground 1. give way to other aircraft and continue circling; stop. 2. give way to other aircraft and continue circling; taxi clear of landing area in use. 3. airport unsafe do not land; taxi clear of landing area in use. 4. airport unsafe do not land; stop. A series of red flashes directed at an aircraft means respectively in flight on the ground 1. airport unsafe, do not land; taxi clear of landing area in use. 2. give way to other aircraft and continue circling; stop. 3. do not land for time being; return to starting point on airport. 4. you are in prohibited area, alter course; stop. A steady green light directed at an aircraft means respectively in flight on the ground 1. cleared to land; cleared to taxi. 2. return for landing; cleared to taxi. 3. return for landing; cleared for take-off. 4. cleared to land; cleared for take-off. A flashing white light directed at an aircraft on the manoeuvring area of an airportmeans stop. return to starting point on the airport. cleared to taxi. taxi clear of landing area in use. Blinking runway lights advises vehicles and pedestrians to return to the apron. vacate the runways immediately. be aware that an emergency is in progress; continue with caution. be aware that an emergency is in progress; hold your position. This information is mentioned in (airservicesaustralia,2013) ColourÆ’ Runway markings are white(although yellow taxiway centrelines may lead on,lead off, or cross the runway). Taxiway markings are yellow. Markings on aprons and in ramp areas may include other colours(e.g. it is common to mark vehicle roadways in white). Taxiway marking patterns Æ’If a marking pattern consists of two or more linesâ€â€some of which are solid and some of which are dashedâ€â€these are runway holding position markings. It is always permissible to cross from the dashed side to the solid side. ATC permission is always required to cross from the solid side to the dashed side at an aerodrome with an operating control tower. When instructed to ‘hold short’ always stop before the first solid line of the runway holding point marking as depicted below. Figure01 Intermediate Holding Positions Intermediate holding position markings show a holding position between taxiways. Youwill need to hold at these if ATC direct you to hold short of a particular taxiway. figure02 Aerodrome signs – how to get from here to there safely Along with aerodrome markings and lights, aerodrome signs are designed to assist you in navigating around an aerodrome.It is essential that you understand the colour coding and meaning of these five types of signs when taxiing on an aerodrome: 1. Location sign: Identifies the taxiway you are currently located on. It has a yellow inscription on a black background Figure03 Mandatory instruction sign: Identifies the entrance to a runway or critical area, and areas prohibited for use by aircraft. It has a white inscription on a red background. You must obtain a clearance from ATC prior to proceeding past this point Figure04 Direction sign:identifies the designations of taxiways leading out of an intersection along with an arrow indicating the approximate direction of turn needed to align the aircraft on that taxiway. They are located before the intersection, normally on the left side and normally with a location sign. It has a black inscription on a yellow background figure05 Destination sign:Identifies with arrows the directions to specific destinations on the airfield (e.g. runways, terminals or airport services). It also has a black inscription on a yellow background figure06 Sign arrays:Grouping of direction signs. Signs are orientated clockwise from left to right. Left turn signs are on the left of the location sign and right turn signs are on the right of the location sign. Figure07 Aerodrome lighting There are many different lighting combinations that may exist on some aerodromes, especially where aircraft operations are conducted in the lower visibility ranges. For taxiing operations around airfields, you should remember: Runway edge lights are white (although on runways fitted with high intensity lighting, the runway edge lights within 600 m from the end of the runway will beyellow.) Figure08 taxiway edge lights or reflectors are blue figure09 taxiway centreline lights or reflectors are green figure10 runway guard lights are flashing yellow lights (either in the pavement or located on the side of the taxiway) and highlight a runway holding point figure11 High intensity approach lighting (HIAL) is red and white Figure12 Communication capabilities of the users and the role of tower controller This information is supported by (,2014) sat the FAAs air traffic controllers ensure the safe and efficient flight for about two million aviation passengers per day or almost one billion people per year. Air traffic controllers safely manage more than 60 million aircraft annually to their destinations. The U.S. air traffic controller workforce consists of approximately 15,000 dedicated and well-trained men and women working in air traffic control towers, terminal radar approach control centers, and en route control centers managing 30.2 million square miles of airspace. Air Traffic Control Tower Controllers Work in the glassed-in towers you see at airports. They manage traffic from the airport to a radius of 3 to 30 miles out. They give pilots taxiing and take off instructions, air traffic clearance, and advice based on their own observations and experience. They provide separation between landing and departing aircraft, transfer control of aircraft to the en route center controllers when the aircraft leave their airspace, and receive control of aircraft on flights coming into their airspace. Terminal Radar Approach Controllers Work in radar rooms, using terminal radar sensors to assist the aircraft until it reaches the edge of the facilitys airspace, usually about 20 to 50 miles from the airport and up to about 17,000 feet, before handing it off to the En Route Center Controllers En Route Center Controllers Work in 21 centers across the country, in a location away from the airport. You will never see them during the course of your flight, but they will normally direct your aircraft for the bulk of your ride. Controlling traffic usually at or above 17,000 feet, the typical center has responsibility for more than 100,000 square miles of airspace generally extending over a number of states. These controllers give aircraft instructions, air traffic clearances and advice using radar or manual procedures they keep track of the thousands of planes in the sky at any one time. Due to the radar equipment, they work in semi-darkness and guide aircraft on the scope Reference, (2014) Chapter 3- Airport Traffic Control- Terminal. [Online] Available at: Accessed on 2nd July 2014 Page, (2014) Air traffic services. [Online] Available at: Accessed on 2nd July 2014 Page flyingwithoutfear, (2014) air traffic control. [Online] Available at: Accessed on 2nd July 2014 Page experimentalaircraft, (2014) Loss of communication. [Online] Available at: Accessed on 2nd July 2014 Page (2012) 2.0 Visual Signals. [Online] Available at:Accessed on 2nd July 2014 Page airservicesaustralia, (2013) 6. Aerodrome markings, signs and lights. [Online] Available at:Accessed on 3rd July 2014 Page, (2014) Roles and Responsibilities of Air Traffic Control Facilities. [Online] Available at:Accessed on 3rd July 2014 Page 1
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Hero in John Steinbecks Cannery Row :: Cannery Row Essays
The "Failure" As Hero in Cannery Row It is Doc, in Cannery Row, who provides the objective and nonteleological point of view which is to be found in so many of Steinbeck's works. For Doc, himself freed from the get-get-get philosophy of the world of the machine by virtue of his science, his detachment, his gentleness, and his personal refusal to be pushed into either Social Importance or the role of Social Judge, insists that the boys of the Palace Flophouse are universal symbols rather than mere ne'er-do-wells. And what they symbolize is simply this: the madness of a world in which those who enjoy life most are those whom the world considers "failures." For Mack and the boys most certainly are failures-in everything but humanity and life itself: Mack and the boys . . . are the Virtues, the Graces, the Beauties of the hurried mangled craziness of Monterey and the cosmic Monterey where men in fear and hunger destroy their stomachs in the fight to secure certain food, where men hungering for love destroy everything lovable about them . . . In the world ruled by tigers with ulcers, rutted by strictured bulls, scavenged by blind jackals, Mac and the boys dine delicately with the tigers, fondle the frantic heifers, and wrap up the crumbs to feed the sea-gulls of Cannery Row. What can it profit a man to gain the whole world and come to his property with a gastric ulcer, a blown prostate, and bifocals? Mack and the boys avoid the trap, step over the poison. . . . I think they survive in this particular world better than other people. In a time when people tear themselves to pieces with ambition and nervousness and covetousness, they are relaxed. All of our so-called successful men are sick men, with bad stomachs, and bad souls, but Mack and the boys are healthy and curiously clean. They can do what they want. They can satisfy their appetites without calling them something else. And the final paradox of all, Doc continues (a paradox which bemuses Ethan Hawley in The Winter of Our Discontent), is the fact that virtues like honesty, spontaneity, and kindness are - in the world of the machine - almost
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Grocery Retail Industry Essay
The first Tesco shop opened in Edgware, North London in 1929; although the creator of Tesco was a man called Jack Cohen who sold the first own-brand product in 1924, this product was ‘Tesco Tea’. Now 82 years on Tesco currently operates in 14 countries across the globe. The name Tesco comes from TE Stockwell who was a shared partner of the tea firm which created the tea Jack Cohen sold. Therefore taking the initials ‘TES’ from Stockwell’s name and the first 2 initials of Cohen’s surname ‘CO’ this then creates ‘Tesco’. By using marketing theories and strategies I am going to analyse Tesco as an organisation. Tesco’s current market The retail industry is a very competitive industry due to customers not always being loyal but being persuaded by price, quality and range of products. In order to gain customer loyalty Tesco’s must ensure they keep costs down and offer a wide range of products. As previously mentioned Tesco’s have stores in 14 countries, the shops are built where there are high demands and where communities allow buildings to be constructed. Location of Tesco shops Figure 1 – World map of where. Analysis Pest Analysis Using the PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) this will show how Tesco works within the grocery retail industry. P – Tesco works close within the local communities of their stores. A quote taken from the corporate responsibility section of the website states; â€Å"We want to be a good neighbour in all the communities in which we operate†This means that within local communities they make a long term difference and showing interest in activities around the community. By doing so this gains customer loyalty. A national political issue is the increasing rates of unemployment, due to Tesco still growing more jobs become available as a result reducing the rate of unemployment. Expand on more issues. E – Due to Tesco being a large retailer selling named branded products as well as home branded products there are able to appeal to all types of markets. As Tesco is just one of the major retailers with competition such as Asda and Morrisons, as well as the current recession, Tesco are required to be very competitive with their prices. Socially there has been an increase in fitness and healthy eating therefore products such as fruit/vegetables/smoothies etc should be on the increase but due to the financial issue at the moment customers buy pre-prepared products or frozen meals for convenience and cost. T – Tesco offers an online service in order for customers to purchase grocery shopping online via the internet which they can then get delivered. An example of a technological factor in store would be the introduction of self service checkouts which entitles a customer to scan and pay for their own shopping. Internal SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Home branded products Capacity of staff Online services Worldwide company Opportunities Threats Play area Other supermarket chains Hair and beauty salons in store Tesco food platters Figure 2 – SWOT Analysis table Strengths Home brand products – By Tesco selling home branded products they are able to make a bigger profit on products. Branded products are purchased from the producer and it is then up to Tesco to sell these on for a profit as well as keeping costs down. Any amount of profit made on a home branded product is completely profited by Tesco. Online Services – Tesco operates online and due to the internet being a massive part of economy today this is a massive strength. Tesco also offers other services such as ‘Tesco direct’ which is a catalogue shop where products can be ordered online and either collected in store or can be delivered. Worldwide Company – Tesco is known all over the world which increases acknowledgement of the store. Customers tend to trust shops with they are familiar with. Opportunities Tesco food platters – Tesco’s could offer a service of creating food platters to be delivered. This would be very successful within businesses who order buffets regularly. This could include creating different ranges of buffet which vary in price and then delivering. Sainsbury’s offer a similar service called ‘Instore party platter service’ although their buffets are to be collected in store whereas if Tesco deliver the buffets then this is an advantage above the competition. Weaknesses Capacity of Staff – Within the UK stores there are 293,676 members of staff working in Tesco Stores (figure correct as of 10/1/12 according to Tesco Plc. com). Due to the mass amount of staff employed by Tesco as an organisation the personal relationships which can be found in a small organisation aren’t likely to be present. Employees may feel like ‘just a number’ within the organisation therefore rubbing off a negative attitude onto customers. Threats Other supermarket chains – Retail is a competitive business and there are several popular supermarket chains. One of Tesco’s biggest competitors is Asda, Asda has the guarantee of ‘If we’re not 10% cheaper on your comparable grocery shopping we’ll give you the difference. Guaranteed. ’ This puts the pressure on Tesco to offer deals to keep their current customers and to gain potential new ones. Tesco also have smaller stores called ‘Tesco Extra’ which are more for convenience shopping and in smaller areas of town. Asda have now started building convenience stores named ‘Asda Supermarket’ therefore not only are Asda a competitor with the larger stores but also with the smaller stores too. Micro-environment Analysis Porters Five Forces Figure 3 – Porter’s five forces 1. Existing competitors – Tesco’s main competitors are Sainsbury, Asda and Morrisons as they are all large supermarkets. Tesco offer an online service in order for customers to order their shopping online and for it to be delivered. This is a service that Asda also offers although Morrisons hasn’t yet developed online. If these organisations have the same strategic ideas then this increases the level of competition. â€Å"Operating in a mature, flat market where growth is difficult and consumers are increasingly demanding and sophisticated, large chains such as Tesco are accruing large amounts of consumer information that can be used to communicate with the consumer†Ritz (2005) Relating to exit barrier it is difficult for an organisation such as Tesco known as a grocery retailer to move into non-food areas although they offer a range of different services within retail. In order to respond to customer behaviour Tesco is left as having to reduce its prices to the lowest possible amount. 2. Bargaining power of customers – This is very high as it’s the customers who profit the company. If a price is too high then customers may go to another large supermarket for the same product or an alternative. This may also apply if a product is out of stock. Also within a large supermarket like Tesco there are many different bands or products which leave the customer in a lower ratio than products. Threat of new entrants – It is very difficult to enter into the large Supermarket chain as it’s a limited business. Also Tesco is already set up with it’s suppliers with lower prices making it hard for a new business to find cheaper suppliers. A new business would require starting out small in order to build customer loyalty, also they would have limited stock of brands or less products yet bought as a higher price. 4. Bargaining power of suppliers – Within a small organisation a supplier would have a lot of power and demand that there products are bought at a set price, this leaves small retailers at a disadvantage as they need to make a profit on items. Whereas with large Supermarkets they can determine what price they will pay for a product, if a supplier disagrees they are automatically reducing the product market. 5. Substitute products – In the larger stores there are many like-for-like products including own brands within Tesco which can reduce sales of products. â€Å"General substitution is able to reduce demand for a particular product, as there is a threat of consumers switching to the alternatives†Porter M. Therefore larger supermarkets like Tesco have opened their stores but to a smaller scale which offers customers many of the same popular products but a limited range. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) Consumer Segmentation Tesco have a great advantage of finding out customer data using the Tesco Clubcard scheme. When a customer registers for a Clubcard they must fill in their basic information in order to enter the scheme. When a customer uses their Clubcard during a transaction then Tesco is able to see what the customer has purchased. After a while when a customer has made several transactions then Tesco are able to collect data about that customer and compare to see which items are commonly purchased and what brand/type of items. By doing so Tesco is able to determine the lifestyle of that particular customer and create a profile. Once this has been done then Tesco are able to provide each individual customer with the appropriate promotions and special offers so that customers can relate good prices for the products they regularly buy to Tesco, therefore staying loyal. An example of this would be if a customer bought items such as ‘Quorn’ or ‘vegetarian sausages’ then they wouldn’t expect to receive meat discount vouchers from Tesco Clubcard. Targeting Tesco targets all types of markets. Price bands – dependant upon where the store is situated – upper class, middle class, lower class will depend upon a price band. Price band 1 being the cheapest, price band 4 being the more expensive. Eg if store located in Westcliffe, would be price band 1 to keep the lower class people shopping. If store located in an upmarket neighbourhood, would be price band 4 to take more money off the upper class people for same products. Dependant upon store size will depend upon price bands also, because a larger store will have a bigger buying in margin ( where tesco will get discount off a product for buying more in bulk) where as a smaller convenience store will have a smaller buying in margin so will not be able to give the customer a discount like the bigger stores. Positioning In 1997 Tesco were known as a large retailer within the grocery retail market. They then developed the marketing strategy of becoming â€Å"as strong in non-food as in food†. 15 years on from when this challenge was set Tesco now deal in services such as; Tesco Direct F&F – Tesco Clothing range Tesco Fuel Tesco Bank Tesco Mobile Tesco Opticians Tesco Entertainment Tesco Direct – This service provides customers with a catalogue which contains Tesco’s range of Electrical appliances, home furnishings, toys and many other products. Once selected these products can either be delivered or arrange to be collected from a local direct desk. This sort of service competes with that of Argos who is also a direct catalogue retailer. Tesco Clothing F&F range – This is a difficult market for Tesco to enter into with a high entry barrier. The clothing retailer market is a very competitive business as you have the expensive designer shops ranging right down to the basic value for money clothing. Tesco tend to focus there clothing range on school clothes for children as this is something that appeals to parents. Parents aren’t prepared to spend lots of money on clothes which have to sustain a lot of wear and tear. In august 2011 Tesco promoted a back to school offer of a ? 15 bundle which includes trousers, skirt or a pinafore, a coat and a 3 pack of shirts or polo shirts.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Who Shot John F. Kennedy Essay - 4239 Words
Who Shot John F. Kennedy On November 22nd, 1963 America lost its innocence. It also perhaps lost its trust, trust in the American Government. In a gallop pole in 1960, 89% of the American population trusted the government. Since then it has dropped to less than to . That means that since the early 1960s over 70% of the population lost its trust in the Federal Government. While there may be different reasons why many people lost their trust, the most major one was probably the assassination and investigation of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. In 1963 and 1964 the US government told the American public about what happened that fateful day in Dallas Texas. They said that one crazy man, Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone killed the†¦show more content†¦This is also how he made most of his fortune. John Kennedy had several siblings also, three brothers, and 5 sisters. His two brothers Robert, and Edward are probably the most famous. When it came time for JFK to get into politics, Papa Joe wanted his son to get into the White House. It is reported that he contacted his friends in organized crime to help him to get his son elected. One of these crime bosses, Sam Giancanna of Chicago claimed that he was responsible for getting Kennedy the presidency by stuffing the ballot box, and sinking the 10,000 votes for Nixon into the bottom of Lake Michigan. Needless to say organized crime felt as though the Kennedys owed a debt. But John Kennedy, unaware of this debt that he owed decided that along with his brother Robert, the attorney general, he would fight organized crime, and try to bring an end to it. The mob was not happy with this action. Someone that they had helped had turned against them. Papa Joe appealed to his son, to try to get him to lay off, but to no avail. The moffia was disappointed with the Kennedys, and needed to do something about their problem. In 1955 a revolutionary leader came to power in Cuba. His name was Fediel Castro. Castro kicked out the gambling crime bosses out of Cuba, angering those in the US. Castro wanted to be friends with a major power. He first tried to talk to the US. The president at the time, Eisenhower, did not come down to Cuba though. He sent hisShow MoreRelatedWho Shot John F. Kennedy?2616 Words  | 10 PagesWHO SHOT JFK The assassination of President John. F. Kennedy on the 22nd November 1963 shook America to its core. Indeed, it can be argued that America has never really recovered from the events in Dallas on that day. The weekend after the assassination, a poll showed that â…†of Americans believed there was a conspiracy – that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone . This remains a widely held view. For the American people, it perhaps seemed too much to bear that one man had killed the President. AsRead MoreThe Assassination Of John F. Kennedy982 Words  | 4 Pages O’Reilly and Dugard’s book, Killing Kennedy, is about the events leading to President John F. Kennedy being shot, as well as what happened after the assassination. This book also describes the rise and fall of John F. Kennedy. The authors also wrote about the Cold War, Kennedy dealing with communism, and threats of crime. January of 1961, the cold war was growing stronger and Kennedy was struggling with communism. During all of this happening, he was learning what it meant to be a president. HeRead MoreThe Assassination of John F Kennedy1477 Words  | 6 Pagesassassination of John F. Kennedy. The theories are as diverse as the outcomes of investigations conducted at the time of his assassination and continuing to present day. There are many who resolutely believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a deranged lone gunman with no ties whatsoever to any other person or organization with regard to Kennedys murder. In fact, this group is able to cite some compelling evidence to support this viewpoint. Then, there are others who insist that John F. Kennedys murderRead Moreâ€Å"Forgive Your Enemies, But Never Forget Their Names.†–John1302 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.†–John F Kennedy This quote was said by a man who was once someone that the American people would call the 35th President of the United States. John F. Kennedy was a very young President, as well as a very good looking president. Women would swoon over the idea of John F. Kennedy but also be jealous of his wife that he was married to at the time. John F. Kennedy is well known for his affair with Marilyn Monroe the world’s leading bombshell blondeRead MoreHistorical Investigation Report On John F. Kennedy1543 Words  | 7 PagesPresident John F. Kennedy sits with his wife, Jackie, in the back of a limo (O’Reilly 257). Their driver, Bill Greer, takes them through the streets of Dallas, as people crowd the sidewalks to catch a glimpse of their beloved president. President Kennedy waves as people cheer and applaud him. Then a shot rings out, followed rapidly by two more shots. The people of Dallas are horrified as they watch President Kennedy’s head jolt back, blood spattering all over the frantic Jackie Kennedy. The limoRead MoreAssassination of John F. Kennedy931 Words  | 4 PagesThe John F. Kennedy assassination is believed to be one of the most controversial and debated topics in American History. JFK was one of the most beloved presidents of our time. Other assassinations of presidents didn’t have as many Conspiracy theories compared to the JFK assassination on November 22nd, 1963. Some of the theories include a Government cover-up, Mafia influence, and Cuban President Fidel Castro (Stern). The assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, raised many questions thatRead MoreThe Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy1376 Words  | 6 PagesLee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963 (Jennings), a day that changed American history, and a day that’s events still haunt the nation of freedom and liberty. Whether it be Jacqueline Kennedy’s pained cries or the hoodless limousine, a piece of this day in history lies in every American’s mind. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth President of the United States of America (Bugliosi 11), to this day has several conspiraciesRead MoreAssassination of John F Kennedy1119 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Texas School Book Depository Building. However, did Lee Harvey Oswald, a crazy lunatic act alone in the assassination of President Kennedy. Both first – hand knowledge and visual evidence allows people to re – examine the events of this day and prove that there were other gunmen involved in the bombardment of our youngest elected president. John F. Kennedy was depicted as a nationwide hero to many Catholics living in the U.S. during the early 1960’s. He was idolized by several Americans especiallyRead MoreCauses and Effects of the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Essay1347 Words  | 6 Pages(â€Å"JFK’s†). This encouraging quote was given by a man who literally shot for the stars all the way up until the day he was shot down. While being the youngest and first Roman Catholic president, John F. Kennedy always motivated and encouraged America to strive for the best. Until a horrible silence struck the American people, he was removed from society in 1963. There were many believed causes regarding Kennedy’s death. There is the belief that Oswald shot him as a lone gun man. There are also other theoriesRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy : The Man Behind The President1561 Words  | 7 PagesJohn F. Kennedy: The Man behind the President John F. Kennedy changed America in a way in which no President had done before. His election was the beginning of a term that would be one of the most memorable and one of the most tragic in the history of United States Presidents. However, to fully understand John F. Kennedy’s term, and why it was so influential, we must first look into who he was as a person. The understanding of John F. Kennedy can be found in his childhood, his presidency, his death
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