Wednesday, June 19, 2019

MGMT Orinazational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MGMT Orinazational Behavior - Essay ExampleOrganizational commute management is a organize approach by which companies administer the entire process of change implementation. It also makes sure changes ar successfully and smoothly implemented. Before going into further banter about the necessity of change in an validation, I would first like to discuss some points about the driving factors of change. Some of the major driving factors of change are detailed below - To satisfy the changing need of Customers - The needs of customers have always been dynamic in nature and keep changing with time. thence for a company to unceasingly meet the customer needs, it needs to bring changes to its operation system (Havaldar 116). To maintain a competitive Edge over the rivals - For an organization to sustain and pay off success in the market place for a longer period of time, it needs to have an edge over its rivals. This is only possible, if companies constantly bring changes and innovat ion into its system. Internal environmental Factors - The internal environmental situations of the organizations act as one of the major driving forces of change. The internal environment of an organization includes people, events, system, social system and internal conditions which are controlled by the company. The internal factors play a crucial role in influencing organizational activities. Hence, when the management feels certain areas are not doing surface or fitting to current situations, an internal change is initiated (Raoprasert and Islam 35). External Environmental Factors - The external environment factors are the strongest force for an organizational change. The external factors are those which stick around beyond the control of the organization, such as the economy, competition, market demand, customers, societal and political condition, and the common resources. It is imperative for an organization to continuously monitor and complies with the external environment and sometimes to match with external environment organizations need to change (Sisaye 82). Considering, the current business scenario, I believe an organization should constantly make changes into its system of operation. In addition, organizations at times are also required to make changes in some other constituents of the business. For example, there can be changes in the form of new harvest-tide development, new promotional strategy or implementation of a new performance management system of the employees. I strongly believe that, for an organization to get success in the market place it constantly needs to bring some form of modification to its current state. The present business environment is characterized by constant technological innovation and globalization. These factors also forces organizations to make changes in their operation. However, it helps them to conduct business which matches with the recent trends and comply with the requirements of the customers and employe es. Some of the evident examples of organizational change are adaption of social media for the purpose of product promotion and adaptability of mobile. There have been constant debates over the fact whether organizational change is necessary or it depends upon the managements wish. Additionally, there have been also debates over the need of managing the implementation process. In this context, several scholars believe that organizational change is not a necessary element of business and organizations should try to minimize the rate of change. Moreover, the

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