Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The physics of Sonography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The physics of Sonography - Essay Example In the study of waves, under physics, discoveries were made of some waves that were invisible to the human eye, but that would be extremely useful in imagery. Sonography depends on ultrasound waves, which are used to generate images coming from an object from which reflection occurred (Abu-Zidan, Ashraf and Peter 501). The physics, which is involved in the studies, address the properties of the waves as well as how the waves relate with other environmental elements. The physicians have to analyze the effect and results obtained by propelling the ultrasound waves onto the human body. In addition, doing this establish whether the technology is safe as well as useful to the field. By conducting experiments on the ultrasound wave properties, the physicians can identify the elements, which pose a challenge to the technology, and possibly device ways in which they can be eliminated. In sonography, elements such as shadows (Abu-Zidan, Ashraf and Peter 502) may cause wrongful data collection thereby drawing the need to have a means by which the shadow effect is reduced. Physics in this case focuses on perfecting the sonography operation by ensuring that the data obtained by use of the ultrasounds is accurate and free of errors. Data interpretation is another element of physics that is of great use in sonography. By using sonographic technology, the aim of the experience is to obtain data from the body without having to put the patient through vigorous methods. Different conditions, persona and deformations in the human body are bound to produce different result results under sonographic study (Abu-Zidan, Ashraf and Peter 508). It is important to engage physics in the studies since by the use of physics the densities, volume, texture, color and activity of the specimen under investigation can be determined. It is essential in the case of sonography since the medical practice cannot allow trial and error techniques that

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