Wednesday, October 9, 2019

What do you think about the class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What do you think about the class - Essay Example The course plays an important role in educating the current generation on how to struggle for what they want through reflecting on the struggles that the indigenous people in time of colonization. Some of other topics that are of importance in attending the class include capitalist development, Immigration and environmental changes. From this class, the teachers are able to sensitize the students on matters of environmental maintenance and protection. The Native American class is able to encourage race diversity. This is through emphasizing on the Native Americans who were living in harmony with each other despite having hailing from different subgroups. The class is able to examine a range of oral genres from various tribes. The native literature also incorporates Native American contribution to the current American tradition. This plays an important role in revealing the literary potential that lies in the diverse aesthetic tradition and giving the current generation an identity. Therefore, the class should be emphasized and widespread in various learning

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